Thursday, March 29, 2012

This isn't about a goal

My friend Laura (former Seattle roommate, maker of pies) has a blog that I like to read. It's about all things creative and delicious. She's far more committed to her blogging than I am (as in, she blogs more often than every few months). Recently, Laura posted a response to a little blog game of tag, and then she made me, and several other friends, "it." In the spirit of email surveys from high school, or the occasional notes that pass around Facebook, I have been encouraged to answer some questions. I have always loved doing these sorts of things, so here you go, whether you want it or not: 

1. What is your favorite meal?
A delicious salad (green or caprese) and pizza. The more cheese that can be involved in this meal, the better. If it's from Pizzeria da Lupo, even better. 

2. If you could only listen to three albums for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?
Here's the only one I know for sure: Interventions and Lullabies by The Format. I know every word of this album by heart, and to me it is representative of college and all things good and happy and joyful. It makes me feel wonderfully nostalgic, and "On Your Porch" is one of my all time favorite songs.

The second album would most likely be Speak Now by Taylor Swift. Maybe this makes me lose some music credibility or something, but I love this album. It is has been my go-to for the last year and a half, especially when I'm cleaning. My most favorite song on this is "Enchanted." It makes my heart flutter.

I don't know about the third. I get obsessive about different albums, but it's hard to see what will pass the test of time. Maybe 21 by Adele, maybe Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons, maybe Music Box by Mariah Carey.

3. What is your favorite item in your closet?
It's not in my closet, but in my dresser: my grey Boulder tee shirt. I used to have another one, but it was stolen and worn ten days in a row by certain bestie, so I let her keep it. I accidentally got a bigger size when I bought my replacement, but I'm happy I did. It's basically the most comfortable thing in the world, and it represents the best town in the world. 

4. When is the last time you cried?
I cry all the time. It really doesn't take much. Most recently, I cried two days ago when I was cleaning my room. I was going through a box of things from my first year of teaching. My sixth graders made me a book at the end of the year where they all wrote nice notes to me. I read them, for the dozenth time, and cried. I miss those babies.

5. What is your favorite tv show of all time? 

I unabashedly love television. I really do. This is a very difficult question for me to answer. So I will give you the top two: 

Felicity. Like The Format, Felicity makes me feel nostalgic and is full of all things good and joyful. I went through a time during college when I thought that I was genuinely falling in love with Ben Covington.

Friday Night Lights. In all honesty, this is the best show ever. The writing and acting and way that it's filmed - this show is genius. I love it so much, I considered moving to Texas for goodness sake. Plus, Coach. Tim Riggins. Matt Saracen. Tim Riggins. 
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose

6. What is your favorite movie? Now, what is the guilty pleasure movie that you could watch over and over again?

Easy. My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally... It is funny and romantic and I know it by heart. I quote it on a regular basis, and the New Year's Eve scene makes me cry every time. It is the movie that I could (and do) watch over and over again.

My guilty pleasure movie, though, is probably my for real favorite movie, but I feel too silly to admit it. And that is Titanic. Nothing makes me feel the same way Titanic does. Maybe it's because it came out when I was 13, and so those over-the-top crazy teenage feelings never go away. It was the first movie that I was really obsessed with, and I even have a book all about the making of the movie. I own both orchestral soundtracks, and I have a leather bound special edition dvd of the movie. And I am definitely planning to go see it in theaters in 3D on the actual 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic! And I could watch Titanic over and over again, but I intentionally don't, to preserve the specialness. 
Jack Dawson is my ideal man. In every way.

7. What would your dream vacation destination be?
I want to go to Italy. Delicious food, fascinating history, and the Mediterranean Sea - what more do you need?

8. Describe your personality in three words.

Passionate, loyal, and chalant. (Chalant is not a word. But think of it as the opposite of nonchalant. That is me.) 

9. What is the one make-up item you absolutely have to have on your face every day?

In the winter, foundation to cover up dark circles and pale skin. In the summer, mascara. 

10. Dream dinner party guest list! (Three people, living or dead.)

THIS IS TOO HARD!! I get really overwhelmed with this question. Here's what I think, though. As much as I'd love to have some inspiring intellectual people like Bono and Oprah and JK Rowling, I actually would get a little bored of serious conversation and feel like an idiot. So I would go the more funny and entertaining dinner party route. Number One: Ellen Degeneres because she is hilarious and I think she would be really warm and inclusive. I love her. Number Two: Tina Fey. Tina is also hilarious, and she feels like a real person. Number Three: Amy Poehler for all of the same reasons. I guess this is a girl party? And I guess I totally copied Jess on this. I hope everyone brings their significant others to balance this party out, and because I love Will Arnett. I'll bring John Krasinski as my date. Win.

11. Why did you start blogging?

Because I made a list of goals that I have been really half-assed about completing. Ooops.

There's not much to say about #80.

I think it's really precious and charming when a woman ties her husband's tie.

So I learned how to tie a tie.

Soon all the boys will be banging down my door.

When you wish upon a clock...

Goal #42: Make a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Check.

I can vividly remember making a wish at 11:11am on November 11, 1999 in the choir room at Fairview High School, and it came true that day. If that's not magic, I don't know what is.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of my other 11:11 wishes have come true. Maybe it was the magical number combination of the day - 11/11/99 - that made it work. So, in this line of totally logical and reasonable thought, 11/11/11 must be extra, extra magical. It's something that I have (no joke) looked forward to for a long time.

The best part of making my 11:11am wish on this day was that I included my students in it. They are firm believers in magic (as well as Santa, ghosts, leprechauns, and the tooth fairy). We talked about the importance of not sharing your wish with others, and we did a count down when it got down to the minute. It was glorious.

The best part of making my 11:11pm wish was that I was in California. I flew that evening to San Francisco for my friend Erin Johnson's wedding. I intentionally pulled the car over in front of the hotel to make sure I made a wish during that minute. And I took this picture:

I'm not telling you what I wished for. Duh. It hasn't come true yet, but I included a one-year time limit in my wish, so there's still time for the magic to happen.