Monday, March 7, 2011

Did my heart love till now?

Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night.

That's the line from Romeo and Juliet that was running through my head most of yesterday, while I watched this: 
I fulfilled goal #26: See a ballet. I was especially excited to see this particular ballet because it was Romeo and Juliet - a story I know and love. 
Mostly because of this guy. 
My sweet mother agreed to go with me to the ballet, even though she honestly wasn't all too excited about it. So to thank her, I made us a lovely lunch beforehand. 
We went to the Ellie Caulkins Opera House to see the final show of Romeo and Juliet, which happened to also be the final show of the Colorado Ballet's 50th Anniversary Season, as well as the final show for Igor Vassine - a principal dancer with the Colorado Ballet for 20 years. I even got a little emotional when they were honoring Igor, not that I had ever heard of him before. But it felt very special to be in the audience for that particular show, and I liked thinking about how much it all meant to the dancers.
All in all, it was a beautiful way to accomplish a goal.
Not a bad view for $26! 

On a side note: when did I become a vampire? So pale! 

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