Ok, I know that was just incredibly nerdy. I wish I could take a Harry Potter class and write whole papers on things like this. The point is, I just really love snitches. I was a snitch for Halloween once, I mean twice, with Ashley, and it will forever remain my best costume ever. And I've always said that if I was a person who got tattoos, I would get a tattoo of a snitch. In the last couple of years, in fact, I've been seriously wanting one. I would go for it, but I'm afraid that I'd regret it someday, like when I'm a grown-up or something. So, this summer, when Harry Potter mania was at its height in the country and in my heart, I decided to satiate my desire for a snitch tattoo with a less permanent substitute - a necklace.
I found my snitch necklace on etsy.com, fulfilling goal #84: Buy something on Etsy. The lady who made it sent it in a very cute little box, and I love it. To be perfectly honest, I haven't worn it yet. The chain it came on is too short, and so I need to get a longer chain for it before I can wear it. And to be even more honest, I still want the tattoo.
Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this. Wearing only this. |
And if you also love Harry, you should most definitely watch this. It makes me cry like a baby.