Saturday, October 15, 2011

In Lieu of a Tattoo

Anyone who knows me well knows that my favorite thing is Harry Potter. And one of my favorite things within the world of Harry Potter is the golden snitch. I love the snitch because, to me, it's a symbol of Harry building an identity based on his own skills and abilities. He was famous as The Boy Who Lived, but that was something that happened to him as a baby, not something that he accomplished through any will of his own. But when he flies and becomes a seeker, he finds the first thing that he's ever felt exceptionally good at. The snitch not only helps Harry create a new identity for himself, but it also connects him to his parents: figuratively in that his dad was also a seeker, and literally at the close. 

Ok, I know that was just incredibly nerdy. I wish I could take a Harry Potter class and write whole papers on things like this. The point is, I just really love snitches. I was a snitch for Halloween once, I mean twice, with Ashley, and it will forever remain my best costume ever. And I've always said that if I was a person who got tattoos, I would get a tattoo of a snitch. In the last couple of years, in fact, I've been seriously wanting one. I would go for it, but I'm afraid that I'd regret it someday, like when I'm a grown-up or something. So, this summer, when Harry Potter mania was at its height in the country and in my heart, I decided to satiate my desire for a snitch tattoo with a less permanent substitute - a necklace.

I found my snitch necklace on, fulfilling goal #84: Buy something on Etsy. The lady who made it sent it in a very cute little box, and I love it. To be perfectly honest, I haven't worn it yet. The chain it came on is too short, and so I need to get a longer chain for it before I can wear it. And to be even more honest, I still want the tattoo. 

Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.
Wearing this. Wearing only this.

And if you also love Harry, you should most definitely watch this. It makes me cry like a baby. 

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